(install)= # Installation and advice As already written in the overview, Fluidfft is organized as a main package provided few Fluidfft Python classes using standard packages (Numpy, pyfftw, Dask, etc.) and plugins which can use other methods, in particular based on C++ classes using more advanced libraries (as pfft and p3dfft). In this page we focus on installing the base Fluidfft package for Fluidfft >= 0.4.0. First, ensure that you have a recent Python installed, since Fluidsim requires Python >= 3.9. Some issues regarding the installation of Python and Python packages are discussed in [the main documentation of the project](http://fluiddyn.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html). ## Installation with pip ```{note} We strongly advice to install Fluidfft in a virtual environment. See the official guide [Install packages in a virtual environment using pip and venv](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/installing-using-pip-and-virtual-environments/). ``` Fluidfft can be installed without compilation with `pip`: ```sh pip install pip -U pip install fluidsim ``` ## Installation with conda ```sh conda install fluidfft ``` ### Remark on Numpy installed with conda In anaconda (or miniconda), Numpy installed with `conda install numpy` can be built and linked with MKL (an Intel library). This can be a real plus for performance since MKL replaces fftw functions by (usually) faster ones but it has a drawback for fft using the library fftw3_mpi (an implementation of parallel fft using 1D decomposition by fftw). MKL implements some fftw functions but not all the functions defined in fftw3_mpi. Since the libraries are loaded dynamically, if numpy is imported before the fftw_mpi libraries, this can lead to very bad issues (segmentation fault, only if numpy is imported before the class!). For security, we prefer to automatically disable the building of the fft classes using fftw3_mpi when it is detected that numpy uses the MKL library where some fftw symbols are defined. To install with anaconda numpy linked with openblas: ``` conda config --add channels conda-forge conda install "blas[build=*openblas]" numpy ``` ## Environment variables Fluidfft is sensible at runtime to the environment variable `TRANSONIC_BACKEND`. The Transonic backend is "pythran" by default, but it can also be set to "python" or "numba".